1. Kaqari,zw or kaqeri,zw (p. 183). Mr. H. Scott furnishes me the following table for the variations between a and e in the augmented tenses of kaqari,zw:


   evkaqer  evkaqar
a 0/8 8/8
B 2/7 Mt.,Mk 5/7
A 7/7 0/7
C 4/5 1/5
D 0/6 6/6
Syr. 0/6 6/6

For LXX see Helbing and Thackeray.

2. Prothetic Vowels in the N. T. (p. 206). The following is a table of (probable) prothetic vowels in N. T. (supplied by Mr. H. Scott).


BEFORE a e o i
r   evÄruqro,j
l avÄlei,fw evÄlacu,jà evÄleu,qeroj    
n avÄneyio,j   ovÄneidi,zwà o;ÄnomaÃ
m avÄmoibh,Ã avÄmu,nw evÄme,Ã evÄmo,j ovÄmi,clh  
cq avÄsth,r
[ a;Ästron]
evÄcqe,j   ivÄcqu,j
st avÄkou,w      
fr     ovÄfru,j  
k   evÄkei/Ã evÄkei/noj $evpÄ% ovÄke,llw  
q   evÄqe,lw    
d     ovÄdu,nh
[ ovÄdu,romai]
ª avÄei,dwÊa|;dw
t     ovÄtru,nw  



3. Elision (p. 208). Mr. H. Scott adds ouvd v eva,n (Lu. 16:31, W. H. text), ouvd v h` (Tisch., ouvde. h` W. H.), ouvd v auvto,n (Jo. 21:25). We have both kaq v and kata. ei-j, but kata. e`kato,n (Mk. 6:40). There is much variation with prepositions before nouns.

4. Parrhsi,a (p. 212). Mr. H. Scott notes that out of 40 occurrences in the N. T. 24 read parrÄÄ without variant. In the remaining 16 a reads parr- 13/16, B 10/16, A 14/14, C 9/10, D 7/14, L 8/9, Syr. 16/16. In Gospels B always has par- except in Jo. 11:14, a only in Jo. 11:14.

5. Assimilation of evn me,sw| (p. 216). Mr. H. Scott notes that the phrase evn me,sw| occurs 27 times in the N. T., of which 2 (Jo. 8:3, 9) are in a spurious passage. Hort (Notes on Orth., p. 150) observes that aBD never have evmme,sw|. But A of Gospels and E of Acts always have evmme,sw|, while C has it 9/12 times.

6. Rules for Assimilation of Consonants (p. 216). The familiar rules are given in all the school grammars (cf. Hadley and Allen, Goodwin, etc.), and need not be given here in detail. Note only these:

Before a t mute a p or k mute is co-ordinated.

Before m a p mute changes to

" " a k mute changes to

" " a t mute changes to s (analogy).

Before s a p mute makes y

" " a k mute makes

" " a t mute drops out.

Before a labial n changes to m.

" a palatal n changes to g (nasal)

" l or rà n is assimilated.

" sà n is dropped, and the preceding vowel is lengthened..

Between two consonants s is dropped.

The insertion of s in some tenses is treated in the chapter on Conjugation of the Verb.

7. Metathesis (p. 221). We find faino,lion in P. 0xy. III, 531, 14 (ii/A.D.), but also fai[ lo] ni,wn, B. U. iii, 816, 24 (iii/A.D.). So the modern Greek felo,ni. Fa,tnh (Lu. 2:7, etc.) is the Homeric and Attic form. Moeris (212, 9) says that pa,qnh is the Hellenistic form. Modern Greek has pa,qnh. Some LXX MSS. have it so. Cf. Thackeray, p. 106; Blass-Debrunner, p. 20.


8. Enclitics and Proclitics (p. 233 f.). Rules for accent by Mr. H. Scott:


Indefinite, ti.j in all its forms.

Pers, pron., mou/Ã moi,Ã me,;

sou/Ã soi,Ã se,.

Pres. indic., eivmi, (except 2d sing. ei=);

fhmi,à fhsi,nà fasi,n

Particles, ge,Ã te, and the inseparable - de.

Indef. adverbs, pote,à pou,à pe,rà pw,à pw,j)

Enclitics incline their accent when the preceding word is

(a) proparoxytone,

(b) properisimmenon,

(c) a proclitic.

Enclitics lose their accent when the preceding word is

(a) oxytone,

(b) perispomenon,

(c) paroxytone.

Enclitics retain their accent:

(a) if they begin or end a sentence;

(b) if dissyllables, after a paroxytone;

(c) if dissyllables, after perispomena.

(d) after an elided vowel;

(e) if dissyllables, after a proclitic.

If two or more enclitics occur together, each one receives the accent of the preceding, the last being unaccented. Editors differ in practice as to this rule.


Art., o`Ã h`Ã oi`Ã ai`.

Prep., eivjà evkà evxà evn

Conj., eivà w`j

Negative, ouv $ouvkà ouvc)

Proclitics receive the acute accent:

(a) when they are at the end of a sentence;

(b) when followed by an enclitic.

9. Boustrofhdo,n (p. 243). The Greeks first wrote from right to left and then alternately. This alternate method (right to left, left to right) was called boustrofhdo,n, 'as oxen turn at the plow.' Cf. Geddes, A Compendious Greek Grammar, 1888, p. xiv. The Greeks had a fine system of abbreviations in frequent use. For full particulars see Thompson, Handbook of Greek and Latin Palaeography, pp. 86-96.

10. Perfect of o`ra,w (p. 364). Mr. H. Scott counts the perf. active (indic., inf., part.) 34 times in the N. T. (Luke, Gospel 3, Acts 2; ; John, Gospel 20, Epistles 6; Paul 3). Luke has -w- established 5 times, John's Gospel 20. aACD so always, B 20/24. In 1 Ep. John B has 6/6 -o-, Paul 3 - w- ( a 3/3, B 2/3, C 2/2, D 1/3; -o- A 3/3).

11. Augment in the Past Perfect (p. 366). Mr. H. Scott notes that of the 15 out of 22 verbs with past perfects in the N. T. the active verbs arc equally divided as to augment. Of the 7


passive verbs only qemelio,w is unaugmented. Ba,llw is augmented in the passive, but not in the active. Gi,nomai and i[sthmi have both the augmented and the unaugmented forms in the active.

12. List of Important Verbs. (Purely normal verbs are not listed here. Only the tenses are given that occur in the N. T.) Mr. H. Scott has rendered valuable aid in preparing it.

vAgallia,w. Pres. act. in 1 Pet. 1:8 and Rev. 19:7; aor. act. hvgalli,asa (Lu. 1:47), but the active does not occur in LXX. The middle is in LXX (Ps. 15:9) and the N. T. (Jo. 8:56, etc.). The aor. passive appears in Jo. 5:35 ( avgalliaqh/nai, BL - sqh/nai).

vAgge,llw (comp. avnÄÄà avpÄÄ) diÄÄà evxÄÄà evpÄÄà proÄepÄkatÄÄà proÄkatÄÄ%) Simplex only in Jo. 20:18 avgge,llousaà and Jo. 4:51 in aD. - aggelw/à ÄÄh,ggeilaà ÄÄh,ggelmaià ÄÄhgge,lhn. The classic nor. pass. hvgge,lqhn does not occur in LXX or N. T.

;Agnumi (only katÄa,gnumui as in Attic and LXX). Three forms in N. T.: a fut. act. katÄea,xei. (Mt. 12:20; LXX has kata,xw), an aor. act. katÄe,axan (Jo. 19:32 f.), an aor. pass. kateagw/sin (Jo. 19:31. Cf. kateagh/nai in Plato, etc.). The copyists kept the augment where it did not belong, so that even a pres. act. katea,ssw is found. Cf. Jann., Hist. Gk. Gr., p. 253.

;Agw (comp. avnÄÄÃ evpÄanÄÄÃ avpÄÄÃ sunÄavpÄÄÃ diÄÄÃ eivsÄÄÃ parÄeivsÄÄÃ evxÄÄÃ evpÄÄÃ katÄÄÃ metÄÄÃ parÄÄÃ periÄÃ proÄÃ prosÄÃ sunÄÃ evpiÄsunÄÃ u`pÄ%) The principal parts are regular save the aorist active (usually the reduplicated second aorist form h;gagon, but sometimes the rare sigmatic aorist h-xa as in Hesiod).

Ai`re,w (comp. avnÄà avfÄà diÄà evxÄà kaqÄà periÄà proÄ). Simplex only middle. - elw/, (as LXX), aivrh,somaià Äaireqh,somai* Äei/lon and - ei/la (middle also); -- h|rou,mhnà Ä- h|,rhmaià Äh|re,qhn)

Ai;rw $avpÄÃ evxÄÃ evpÄÃ metÄÃ sunÄÃ u`perÄ). Principal parts regular. Only note imperative aor. act. a=ron and infl nor. act. a=rai, while ind. nor. act. is h|=ra and fut. act. avrw/.

Aivsqa,nomai. Only once in N. T. (Lu. 9:45), aor. mid. ai;sqwntai.

vAkou,w ( diÄà eivsÄà evpÄà parÄà proÄà u`pÄ) vAkou,swà h;kousaà avkh,koa("Attic perf."), avkou,somaià avkousqh,somaià hvkou,sqhn

vAlla,ssw $avpÄà diÄà katÄà avpoÄkatÄà metÄà sunÄ%) vAlla,xwà h;llaxaà hvllaxa,mhn (Ro. 1:23, LXX); pass. - h,llagmaià Ählla,ghnà avllagh,somai (1 Cor. 15:51).

[Allomai.( evxÄÃ evfÄ%) Aor. - a,mhn and - o,mhn) Confined to Acts save Jo. 4:14.

`Amarta,nw ( proÄ). `Amath,swà h[marton and h`ma,rthsaà h`ma,rthka.

vAmfia,zw. So W. H. in Lu. 12:28 instead of avmfie,zw.

vAmfie,nnumià hvmfi,esmai

vAnaqa,llw (only comp.). vAneqa,lete (Ph. 4:10).

vAnali,skw (only comp., also katÄanÄ). Other tense-stems from avnalo,w* avnaÄ lw,sw; aor. act. inf. avnalw/sai* aor. pass. avnalwqh/te (N. T. forms do not show augment). In 2 Th. 2:8 W. H. in margin give avnaloi/, as present (so Attic and LXX).

vAnoi,gw ( diÄà evxÄà Ac. 12:16 D). The simplex oi;gwà oi;gnumi does not occur in LXX or N. T. Imperf. dih,noige (Lu. 24:32); fut. avnoi,xw; nor. act. h;noixeà avne,w|xeà hvne,w|xe. The aor. ind. (22 times) is confined (H. Scott) to John (6), Acts (5), Rev. (10), except dih,noixen (Lu. 24:45). The predominant. form is


h;noixÄ (16 times without v. r.) and read by W. H., except avne,w|xen (Jo. 9:14), and hvne,w|xen (Jo. 9:17, 32). Pass. fut. avnoicqh,setai (Lu. 11:9 f. A); avnoigh,setai (W. H., Mt. 7:7, 8=Lu. 11:9, 10). Aor. indic. occurs 9 times: hvnoi,cqhÄ (Rev. 20:12 (bis), di-, Lu. 24:31); avnew|,qh- (Lu. 1:64); hvnew|,cqh (Mt. 3:16; 9:30; 27:52; Jo. 9:10; Ac. 16:26). 2d aor. indic. hvnoi,gh- (4 times, Mk. 7:35; Ac. 12:10; Rev. 11:19; 15:5); subj. Mt. 20:33. Perf. part. (only) 11 times: diÄhnoigme,noj (Ac. 7:56); avnew|gme,noj (Ac. 9:8; 10: 11; 16:27; Ro. 3:13; 2 Cor. 2:12); hvnew|gme,noj (Rev. 3:8; 4:1; 10:2, 8; 19:11).

vAnta,w ( avpÄÃ katÄÃ sunÄÃ u`pÄ). The simplex does not occur. The parts. are regular. Fut. infin. katÄanth,sein (Ac. 26:7, W. H. marg.); fut. part. sunÄ avnth,sonta (Ac. 20:22).

v ApoÄktei,nw. The simplex does not occur. Pres. varies between - ktei,nw, - kte,nnw (2 Cor. 3:6 W. H. alt., Mt. 10:28 W. H. alt., Lu. 12:4 W. H. alt.) and - kte,nnumi (Mk. 12:5); fut. avpoÄktenw/; aor. avpÄe,kteina; pass. inf. avpoÄkte,nnesqai (Rev. 6 :11); 1st aor. avpÄekta,nqhn.

[Aptw ( avnÄà kaqÄà periÄ%) -Hyaà h`ya,mhnà h[fqhn.

vArne,omai $avpÄ%à avrnh,somaià Äarnhqh,somaià Ährnhsa,mhnà h;rnhmai.

`Arpa,zw ( diÄà sun-) `Arpa,swà h[rpasa; pass. 2d aor. h`rpa,ghn; 1st aor. h`rpa,sqhn; 2d fut. a`rpagh,somai.

Bai,nw (only in comp., avnaÄà prosÄanaÄà sunÄanaÄà avpoÄà diaÄà evkÄà evmÄà evpiÄà kataÄà metaÄà paraÄà proÄà sumÄà sugÄkataÄà u`perÄ%) - bh,somaià Äe,bhnà Äbe,bhka) Short forms of the imperative avna,baà avna,bate.

Ba,llw $avmfiÄà avnaÄà avntiÄà avpoÄà diaÄà evkÄà evmÄà evpiÄà kataÄà metaÄà paraÄà parÄ emÄà periÄà proÄà sunÄà u`perÄà u`poÄ%) Imperf. e;ballon ( evxÄ evpÄ sunÄ) fut. balw/ $evkÄà evpiÄà parÄemÄà periÄ%. 1st aorist ("Alexandrian") e;balan (Ac. 16: 37); evxÄ (Mt. 7:22 W. H. alt.; 21:39 W. H. alt.); evpÄ (Ac. 21:27; Mk. 14:46); 2d aorist, e;balon $evxÄà evpÄà parÄà periÄà sunÄà u`pÄ); perf. beblhkw,j; pluperf. evkÄbeblh,kei. Mid. fut. periÄbalei/tai (Rev. 3:5); 2d aor. avnÄà periÄà sunÄebalo,mhn; pass. fut. blhqh,somaià evkÄ* 1st aor. diÄà evxÄà evblh,qhn; perf. be,blhmaià periÄ; pluperf. evbe,blhto.

Bare,w $evpiÄà kataÄ%) vEba,rhsaà beba,rhmaià evbarh,qhn (2 Cor. 1:8, Lu. 21:34). Only passive save in compounds.

Baru,nw. The older verb is ousted in N. T. by bare,w except in Mk. 14:40, kataÄbaruno,menoi. It is read in Lu. 21:34 Rec. barunqw/si.

Blasta,nw. This is the old form of the pres. The pres. in N. T. is blasta,w (Mk. 4:27). The aor. evbla,sthsa may be from blasta,w or blaste,w, a form of the pres. occurring in LXX.

Ble,pw $avnaÄà avpoÄà diaÄà evmÄà evpiÄà periÄà proÄ%. ;Ebleponà ble,ywà e;bleya* periÄ evble,peto* periÄproÄbleya,menoj.

Game,w. vEga,mounà Attic e;gnhma, late evga,mhsaà gega,mhkaà evgamh,qhn) Gamizw is a late form and only pres. active and pass. and imperf. pass. evgamizonto ap pear in N. T. Gami,skw likewise in pres. pass. stem appears in Lu. 20:34 (W. H.) and evkÄgami,skw in some MSS. in Lu. 20:34 Rec.

Gi,nomai. ( avpoÄÃ diaÄÃ evpiÄÃ paraÄÃ sumÄparaÄÃ proÄ). Never gi,nomai like Attic. vEgino,mhn* genh,somai; part. genhso,menoj (1 Cor. 15:37), evgeno,mhn and evgenh,qhn. Opt. ge,noito; part. geino,menoj. The frequent use of the part. in comp., avpoÄÃ diaÄÃ evpiÄÃ paraÄÃ sunÄparaÄ, is noteworthy. Gena,menoj is a frequent variant. J. H. Moulton counts 69 instances of the part. (simple and comp.) in Luke's writings, and 48 in remainder of N. T. It does not


occur at all in the Johannine writings. "Strong perfect," ge,gonaà gege,nhÄ mai) A in 1 Macc. 14:30 has evge,nhn, probably an error (cf. ge,gona). Pluperf. gego,nei (Ac. 4:22), and evgego,nei, (Jo. 6 :17). Gein- is a rather fre quent spelling, e.g. Ac. 21:11 aB*AD; 23:10 B*; Lu. 22:26 aBD; 42 aBAA; 1 Cor. 10:20 B*D*, etc.

Ginw,skw ( avnaÄà diaÄà evpiÄà kataÄà proÄ). Gnw,somaià e;gnwnà e;gnwkaà evgnw,keinà e;gnwÄ smaià evgnw,sqhnà gnwsqh,somai. Subj. aor. both gnw|/ (Jo. 7:51) and gnoi/ (Mk. 5:43; 9:30; Lu. 19:15); imper. gnw/qi; inf. gnw/nai; part. gnou,j.

Gra,fw $avpoÄà evgÄà evpiÄà kataÄà proÄ). ;Egrafonà gra,ywà e;grayaà ge,grafa; pass. ge,grammaià Äegegra,mmhnà evpiÄà evgra,fhnà proÄ. Mid. 1st aor. avpoÄgra,yasqai (Lu. 2:5).

Dei,knumi and deiknu,w ( avnaÄà avpoÄà evnà evpiÄà u`poÄ%) Dei,xwà e;deixa; pass. evdei,cqhn (Heb. 8:5); perf. avpoÄdedeigme,noj; mid. 1st aor. evnÄedeixa,mhn. The pres. has forms from - numi and - nu,w.

De,rw. ;Edeiraà darh,somai.

De,comai ( avnaÄà avpoÄà diaÄà eivsÄà evkÄà avpÄekÄà evnÄà evpiÄà paraÄà prosÄà u`poÄ). vEdexa,mhn; pass. de,degmaià ÄÄede,cqhn.

De,w ( prosÄ%) vEdeo,mhnà evdeh,qhn In Lu. 8:38 W. H. read evdei/to rather than evde,eto* (W. H. alt.) or evdeei/to. Impersonal dei/ and e;dei.

Di,dwmi $avnaÄà avntÄapoÄà a`poÄà diaÄà evkÄà evpiÄà metaÄà paraÄà proÄ%. Pres. paraÄ di,dwj (2d sing.), 3d pl. dido,asin (Rev. 17:13); subj. paraÄdidw|/ (1 Cor. 15:24, Ädidoi/. BEG); imperf. evdi,dosan (Jo. 19:3), parÄ (Ac. 16:4); fut. dw,sw; part. avpoÄ (Heb. 13:17), para- (Jo. 6:64) dw,swn; - ka aor. e;dwka, 3d pl. e;dwkan; 2d aor. 3d pl. parÄe,dosan (Lu. 1:2); imper. do,j; subj. dw/à dw|/j (Mk. 6:25), dw|/ (Jo. 15:16); subj. 3d sing. cont. doi/ (Mk. 8:37), paraÄ (Mk. 4:29), dw|,h or dw,h| (2 Tim. 2:25, Eph. 1:17); opt. 3d sing. dw|,h (Ro. 15:5; 2 Th. 3:16; 2 Tim. 1:16, 18); inf. dou/nai; part. dou,j; perf. dedw,ka; plup. dedw,kein; mid. fut. dw,somaià evkÄ (Mt. 21:41); 2d aor. evxe,deto ( a Mt. 21:33 =Mk. =Lu.) with vari ant 1. - oto in each passage; plur. without variant, avpÄe,dosqeà Äe,donto. Pass. pres. and imperf. - evdi,detoà diÄ- (Ac. 4:35), parÄ (1 Cor. 11:23), with variant Äoto in each case; fut. doqh,somaià avntapoÄà paraÄ. 1st aor. evdo,qhnà avpoÄà evpÄà parÄ* perf. de,domai. Dr. Hort considers the change of the vowels in imperf. and 2d nor. from - oto to - eto as probably euphonic. Dide,w $avpoÄà diaÄà paraÄ%. Pres. didw|/ (Rev. 3:9); imper. di,dou (Lu. 6:30; 11:3); part. avpoÄdidou/n (Rev. 22:2); imperf. evdi,dou (Mk. 3:6; Ac. 1:20), evpÄà parÄ; fut. diaÄdidw,sousin (Rev. 17:13 Rec.) ex fictione Erasmi.

Du,namai. Pres. 2d sing. du,nasai (Mt. 5:36; 8:2; Mk. 1:40; Lu. 6:42). Opt. dunai,mhn (Ac. 8:31; 27:12, 39). vEduna,mhn, and hvduna,mhnà dunh,somaià hvdunh,qhn and hvduna,sqhn. Du,nomai, 2d sing. du,nh| (Mk. 9:22 f.; Lu. 16:2; Rev. 2:2). There are traces of this late Greek form in B in present tense in Mt. 19:12; 26:53; Mk. 10:39; Ac. 4:20; 27:15.

Du,w ( evkÄà avpÄek [mid.], evnÄà evpÄenÄà parÄeisÄà evpiÄ%) Simplex only, Mk. 1:32. Pres. evpiÄdue,tw 2d nor. e;dunà e;dusa (Mk. 1:32); mid. - edusa,mhn; pass. paeisÄ edu,hn. 2d nor. (Ju. 4) evnÄdedume,noj.

Du,nw $evkÄ%) In pres. only.

vEa,w ( prosÄ). Ei;iwnà eva,swà ei;asa. Augt. esaF= eaF= eiÄ) See Jannaris, § 719.

vEggi,zw $prosÄ%) ;Hggizonà evggi,sw and evggiei/ (Jas. 4:8 W. H. alt.), h;ggisaà h;ggika.


Addenda 3rd ed.

vEgei,rw ( diÄà evxÄà evpÄà sunÄ%) vEgerw/à h;geiraà diÄegei,reto (Jo. 6:18 diÄhg. alt.), evgh,germaià hvge,rqhnà evgerqh,somai) In Mk. 2:9 evgei,rou, but usually intransitive e;geire (cf. a;geà e;peige) as Mk. 5:41. ;Egeirai not in N. T., nor evgrh,gora.

vEdafi,zw. vEdafiaw/ ("Attic" fut.).

;Eqw. Obsolete in pres. Ei;wqaà eivw,qein.

Eivde,w and ei;dw ( avpÄà evpÄà proÄà sunÄà u`perÄ%. Not used in pres. Fut. eivdh,sw (Heb. 8:11, LXX). 1st aor. ei=daà ei;damenà ei;dateà ei;dan (W. H. text 18 times and 2 alt.). 2d aor. ei=don and i;don (ind. both complete); imper. i[de; subj. i;dw; inf. ivdei/n; part. ivdw,n. 2d perf. oi=da complete, and i;ste (?), i;sasin (Ac. 26:4); imper. i;ste (?): subj. eivdw/; inf. eivde,nai; part. eivdw,j; pluperf. h|;dein complete. As ei=don and oi=da have the same root they are put together. It does not seem reasonable to divide the same root between ei=don and o`ra,w. See i;dw.

Eivmi, ( a;pÄà e;nÄà e;xÄà pa,rÄà su,nÄà sumÄpa,rÄ%) =Hn and mid. h;mhnà h=sqaà h;meqa* imper. pres. i;sqià e;stw h;twà e;stwsan ( e;ste 2d pl. does not occur); opt. ei;hn e;somaià e;sesqaià evso,menoj (Lu. 22:49).

Ei=mi. Only in comp. ( a;pÄà ei;sÄà e;xÄà e;pÄà su,nÄ%. Only pres. (fut. sense) 3d p1. - i,asià eivsÄ (Heb. 9:6); imper. ei;sÄiqi (Ac. 9:6 B) and imperf. ( Äh|,ein%)

vElau,nw (i.e. evlaÄnu,w% $avpÄ%) Pres. inf. evlau,nein. 1st aor. avpÄh,lasa* perf. evlhlaÄ kw,j; imperf. pass. hvlau,neto.

[Elkw. Pres. act. and pass. evxÄ* inperf. ei-lkon; other tenses from e`lku,w) `Elku,sw, ei[klusa.

;Epw $avntÄà avpÄà proÄ%. Pres. not used. Fut. evrw/. 1st aor. ei=pa, etc.; imper. eivpo,n (?), eivpa,twà ÄÄateà Äa,twsan* part. ei;paj) 2d aor. ei=pon; imper. eivpe,* subj. ei;pw; inf. eivpei/n; part. eivpw,n. Perf. ei;rhka, 3d pl. - kan and - kasin (Ac. 17:28); inf. eivrhke,nai; part. eivrhkw,j. Pluperf. eivrh,kei. Mid. 1st aor. avpÄeipa,meqa. Pass. 1st aor. evrrh,qh and evrre,qh; part. r`hqei,j; perf. ei;rhtai; part. eivrhme,noj.

vErga,zomai ( katÄÃ periÄÃ prosÄ). Eivrgazo,mhn (Ac. 18:3 HIP) and hvrgazo,mhn (W. H.), hvrgasa,mhn (Gosp.) and katÄeirga,sato (2 Cor. 7:11), ei;rgasmai (pas sive). 1st aor. katÄeirga,sqhn and katÄhrÄ (BDC, W. H. alt.).

;Ercomai ( avnÄà evpÄanà avpÄà diÄà eivsÄà evpÄeisÄà parÄeisÄà sunÄeisÄà evxÄà diÄexÄà evpÄ katÄà parÄà avntiÄparÄà periÄà proÄà prosÄà sunÄ%) vHrco,mhnà evleu,somaià h=lqon and h=lqaà evlh,luqa. Pluperf. evlhlu,qein.

vErwta,w ( diÄà evpÄ). vHrw,twn and hvrw,tounà evrwth,swà hvrw,thsa* evpÄerwthqei,j, 1st aor. pass.

vEsqi,w and e;sqw ( katÄà sunÄ). Pres. only. ;Hsqionà fa,gomai, 2d sing. fa,gesai (Lu. 17:8); e;fagon complete; opt. fa,goi (Mk. 11:14).

Euvaggeli,zw ( pro-). Active only, 1st aor. (Rev. 10:7; 14:6). ProÄà euvhggeliÄ zo,mhnà euvhggelisa,mhnà euvhgge,lismaià euvhggeli,sqhn.

Euvdoke,w ( sunÄ), ( euvà huv%dokou/men (1 Th. 2:8), ( euvà huv%do,khsa ( euv- in Gospels. In the Epistles the reading varies).

Euvri,skw $avnÄ%) Eu[riskon and hu[r)à eu`rh,swà eu-ron $eu[ramenà etc.) and eu[rhsa (some mss.) eu[rhkaà hu`Äà eu`risko,mhnà eu`reqhnà eu`reqh,somaià mid. eu`ra,menoj)

;Ecw $avnÄà avntÄà avpÄà evnÄà evpÄà katÄà metÄà parÄà periÄà proÄà prosÄà sunÄà u`perÄà u`poÄ%) Ei=con $ei;camenà ei=cosan, as well as ei=can and ei=con), e[xwà e;sconà e;schkaà eivco,mhnà e[xomai; 2d aor. mid. avnÄesco,mhn.

Za,w $avnaÄà sunÄ%. Pres. zw/à zw|/jà zh|/; inf. zh/n) ;Ezwnà zh,swà zh,somaià e;zhsa)

Zw,nnumi and zwnnu,w (i.e. zwsÄnuÄÄ) ( avnaÄà diaÄà periÄà u`poÄ). vEzw,nuonà zw,sw, - e,zwsa, mid. fut. periÄzw,somai. 1st aor. evzwsa,mhnà Äe,zwsmai

[Hkw $avnÄà kaqÄ%) =Hkonà h[xw h=xa (in subj.), h=ka in Mk. 8:3. Some MSS. have h;kousin instead of h[kasin) BLA (W. H.) rend eivsi,n.


`Hsso,omai. once (2 Cor. 12:13). Elsewhere h`tta,omaià h[tthmaià h`tth,qhn

Ca,ptw ( sun-). ;Eqayaà evta,fhn.

qauma,zw ( evkÄÄ). vEqau,mazonà evqau,masaà evqauma,sqhnà qaumasqh,somai and mid. qauÄ ma,somai (Rev. 17:8 aB).

Cnh,skw ( avpoÄÄà sunapoÄ). Simplex perf. only, avpÄe,qnhskon; - qanou/maià ÄÄe,qanon, te,qnhka. Both teqna,nai and teqnhke,nai (Ac. 14:19), but teqnhkw,j.

vIa,omai) Pres. iva/taià ivw,mhn mid. iva,somaià ivasa,mhn; pass. i;amai ( i;atai Mk. 4:29), iva,qh|nà ivaqh,somai.

;Idw obsolete. For ei=don and ei=da see ei;dw ( eivde,w).

`IkÄne,omai ( avfÄÃ diÄÃ evfÄ%) Simplex not found in N. T. Pres. - iknou,menoj; 2d aor. avfi,keto* inf. evfÄike,sqai* part. avfÄiko,menoj.

[Ihmi (i.e. * siÄshÄmi% $avnÄÃ avfÄÃ kaqÄÃ parÄÃ sunÄ). Simplex does not occur in LXX or N. T. forms in - mi. Pres. complete, avnÄÃ avfÄÃ sunÄ. Fut. avfÄÃ sunÄh,sw) 1st aor. avfÄÃ kaqÄÃ sunÄh/ka (complete). 2d aor. imper. a;fÄej; 2d pl. a;fÄÃ su,nÄete; subj. avnÄÃ avfÄÃ sunÄw/Ã, etc.; inf. avfÄÃ parÄÃ sunÄei/nai* part. avnÄÃ avfÄei,j. Medio-pass. pres. avfÄi,emai; part. kaqÄie,menoj. Fut. avfÄeqh,somai; 1st aor. avnÄÃ avfÄe,qhn; subj. avfÄeqh|/; perf. avfÄe,wntai (Lu. 5:20); part. parÄ eime,noj) - i,w $avfÄÃ sunÄ%) Pres. (Lu. 11:4), avfÄÃ sunÄi,ousin; subj. sunÄi,wsi; part. sunÄi,wn (Ro. 3:11); imperf. h;fÄien (Mk. 1:34; 11:16). Pass. pres. avfÄi,ontai (Jo. 20:23 W. H. marg.). - e,w ( avfÄ). Pres. avfÄei/j (Rev. 2:20, 2d sing.).

[Isthmià i`sta,nwà i`sta,w $avnÄà evpanÄà avnqÄà evxanÄà avfÄà diÄà evnÄà evxÄà evpÄ[ i,stamai], evfÄà katefÄà sunefÄà kaqÄà avntikaqÄà avpokaqÄà avpokaqÄà meqÄà parÄà periÄà proÄà sunÄ%) Simplex has not the pres. and imperf. active or passive. Sth,sw, 2d aor. e;sthn (complete), e;sthsa (complete), e[sthkaà ei`[ i,] sth,kein; mid. fut. sth,soÄ mai* avnaÄà evpanaÄà avpoÄà etc. Passive avnqÄà avfÄà evxÄista,mhnà evsta,qhnà staÄ qh,somai. Both e`stw,j and e`sthkw,jà evxÄestake,nai and e`sta,nai. Both e[staka and e[sthka.

Kaqai,rw. $diaÄà evkÄ%) - eka,qaraà keka,qarmai) Inf. kaqa/rai.

Kaqari,zw $diaÄ%) Kaqariw/à evkaqa,risaà kekaqa,rismaià evkaqari,sqhn and evkaqeri,sqh (Mt. 8:3 =Mk.).

Kaqe,zomai ( dia-). The simplex e;zomai does not occur in LXX or N. T. Pres. part. kaqezo,menoj; imperf. evkaqezo,mhn. 1st aor. part. paraÄkaqesqei,j.

Ka,qhmai $sunÄ%) Pres. 2d sing. ka,qh| (Ac. 23:3); imper. ka,qou (Jas. 2:3); subj. kaqh/sqe (Lu. 22:30); inf. kaqh/sqai; part. kaqh,menoj; imperf. evkaqh,mhn; fut. kaqh,somai.

Kaqi,zw $avnaÄÃ evpiÄÃ paraÄ [Rec.], sunÄ%) The simplex i;zw does not occur in LXX or N. T. Fut. kaqi,sw; 1st aor. evka,qisa; perf. keka,qika; mid. fut. kaqi,sesqe (Mt. 19:28).

Kai,w ( evkÄà kataÄ). KatÄe,kaionà kataÄkau,swà katÄe,kausaà ke,kaumaià katÄeka,hnà evxÄ evkauqhnà kataÄkah,somaià kataÄkauqh,somai. In 1 Cor. 13:3 some MSS. have kauÄ qh,swmai (fut. subj., Byz.).

Kale,w $avntiÄà evnÄà eivsÄ [- mai], evpiÄà metaÄà paraÄà sunparaÄà proÄà prosÄà sugÄ%) vEka,lounà kale,swà evka,lesaà ke,klhkaà ke,klhmaià evpÄeke,klhtoà evklh,qhnà klhqh,somai) Mid. fut. evpiÄà metaÄkale,somaià evpiÄà metaÄà prosÄekale,sa,mhn.

Ka,mnw) ;Ekamonà ke,kmhka

Kera,ÄnnuÄmià keraÄnnu,w ( sug-). The present does not occur in N. T. vEke,raseaà keke,rasmaià sunÄ.

Kerdai,nw. Pres. and imperf. do not occur. Fut. kerdanw/ (1 Cor. 9:21 W. H.); aor. subj. kerda,nw: a matter of editing.


Kerda,w. Fut. kerdh,sw (Jas. 4:13); aor. evke,rdhsa; subj. kerdh,sw (1 Cor. 9:19-21). Pass. fut. kerdhqh,somai (1 Pet. 3:1).

Klai,w) ;Eklaionà klau,swà e;klausaà klau,somai (Rev. 18:9 W. II. marg.).

Kla,w ( evkÄà kataÄ%) ;Eklasaà evkla,sqhnà evxÄ)

Klei,w ( avpoÄà evkÄà kataÄà sugÄ%) Klei,swà e;kleisaà ke,kleismaià evklei,sqhn.

Kli,nw ( avnaÄà evkÄà kataÄà prosÄ%) vAnaÄklinw/à e;klinaà ke,klika-. Pass. fut. avnaÄ kliqh,somaià Äekli,qhnà avnaÄà kataÄà prosÄ)

Komi,zw $evkÄà sugÄà evko,misaà sunÄ%) Pass. evxÄekomi,zeto mid. komi,somai and komiou/Ä mai (1 Pet. 5:4; some MSS. in Col. 3:25), evkomisa,mhn.

Ko,ptw $avpoÄà evkÄà evnÄà kataÄà proÄà prosÄ%) ;Ekoptonà evkÄà proÄko,ywà e;koya* pass. 2d aor. evxÄeko,phn; 2d fut. evkÄkoph,somaià evkoya,mhnà ko,yomaià avpoÄ)

Kore,nnumià kekoresme,nojà koresqei,j.

Kra,zw $avnaÄ%) ;Ekrazonà kra,xwà e;kraxa and evke,kraxa; 2d aor. avnÄe,kragon; 2d perf. ke,kraga. Some MSS. have kekra,xomai in Lu. 19:40.

Kre,mamaià kremannu,wà krema,zw and krema,w ( evkÄ.) The active pres. does not occur. vEkre,masaà evkrema,sqhn. In Lu. 19:48, evxÄekre,meto and - mato.

Kri,nw $avnaÄà avpoÄà avntapoÄ [ Ämai] à diaÄà evnÄà evpiÄà kataÄà sunÄà u`poÄà sunupoÄ%) Die,krinaà krinw/ pass. evkrino,mhn* kataÄkrinw/n (both a question of accent), e;krina, ke,krikaà kekri,keinà ke,krimaià evkri,qhnà kriqh,somai. Mid. 1st aor. avpÄekrina,mhn.

Kru,ptw ( avpoÄà evnÄà periÄ%) ;Ekruya; 2d aor. periÄe,kruben (Lu. 1:24). [This may be the imperf. of kru,bw.] Ke,krummaià evkru,bhn.

Kuli,w ( avnaÄà avpoÄà prosÄ%) vApoÄkuli,swà avpoÄà prosÄeku,lisa; pass. evkuli,etoà keku,lismaià avnaÄà avpoÄ)

Lake,w or la,skw. Both presents could give evla,khse (Ac. 1:18).

Lamba,nw ( avnÄà avntiÄà sunantiÄ [- mai], avpoÄà evpiÄà kataÄà metaÄà paraÄà sunÄparaÄà proÄà prosÄà sunÄà sunÄperiÄà u`poÄ%) vEla,mbanonà lh,myomaià e;labon* opt. la,boi) La,be, not labe,* evla,bate (1 Jo. 2:27); parÄela,bosan (2 Th. 3:6), e;laban (Jo. 1:12). Ei;lhfa* ei;lhfej (Rev. 11:17); Äei,lhmmaià evlh,mfqhn. Pass. fut. paraÄ lhmfqh,somai; mid. 2d aor. evlabo,mhn; imper. evpiÄà prosÄlabou/.

Lanqa,nw $evkÄà evpÄ [- mai]). Simplex active only, e;lqon) vEpÄelaqo,mhnà Äle,lhsÄ mai $evkÄà evpiÄ%.

Le,gw, 'say' ( avntiÄà diaÄà e`piÄà proÄ). The simplex has pres. and imperf. act. and pres. mid. only. Imp. e;legonà avntÄà proÄ* e;legan (Jo. 11:56 aD). Pass. imperf. diÄelego,mhn; 1st aor. diÄele,cqhn; mid. 1st aor. diÄelexa,mhn)

Le,gwà 'choose' ( evkÄà evpiÄà kataÄà paraÄà sulÄ). Simplex has not this meaning. SulÄ is the only compound with active forms. Fut. sulÄle,xw; 1st aor. sune,Ä lexa; mid. pres. kataÄà paraÄà sulÄ* imperf. evxÄà parÄelego,mhn; 1st aor. diÄà evkÄà evpiÄelexa,mhn; pass. perf. evkÄlelegme,noj.

Lei,pw $avpoÄà diaÄà evkÄà evpiÄà kataÄà evnÄkataÄà periÄ%) Simplex only pres. (act. and pass.) except Tit. 3:13 W. H. marg. ;Eleiponà Älei,ywà Äe,leiyaà e;lipon* pass. - le,leimmaià Äelei,fqhn. (Some MSS. have a compound of liÄmÄpa,nw in pres. and imperf., Ac. 8:24.)

Logi,zomai ( avnaÄà diaÄà paraÄà sulÄ%) vElogizo,mhnà evlogisa,mhnà evlogi,sqhnà logiÄ sqh,somai.

Lou,w ( avpoÄ). ;Elousa; pass. le,loumai and le,lousmai (Heb. 10: 22); mid. 1st aor. evlousa,mhn.

Manqa,nw $kataÄ%) [Emaqonà mema,qhka.

Me,lw. Only me,leià e;melen, impersonal. Pass. me,lomaià evpiÄà metaÄ; mid. fut. evpiÄmelh,somai. Pass. metÄevmelo,mhnà evpiÄà metÄemelh,qhn* metaÄmehqh,somai)

Me,llw. ;Emellon and h;mellonà mellh,sw.


Me,nw $avnaÄà diaÄà evnÄà evpiÄà kataÄà paraÄà sunÄparaÄ [Rec.], periÄà prosÄà u`poÄ), ;Emnonà menw/à e;meinaà Ämeme,nhkaà memenh,kein.

Miai,nw. Memi,ammaià evmia,nqhn.

Mi,gnumi and mi,sgw ( sunÄanaÄ%) ;Emixaà me,migmai)

Mimnh,skw $avnaÄà evpÄanaÄà u`poÄ%) - mnh,swà me,mnhmaià evmnh,sqhnà mnhsqh,somai

Mnhsteu,w) vEmnh,steumaià evmnhsteu,qhn.

Nu,ssw $kataÄ%) ;Enuxa* 2d aor. pass. katÄenu,ghn.

Xhrai,nw. Pres. does not occur. vExh,ranaà evxh,rammaià evxhra,nqhn.

Xura,w) The form Xurasqai occurs (1 Cor. 11:6), which may be accented xura/Ä sqai (pres. inf.) or xu,rasqai (1st aor. mid. inf.). vExu,rhmaià xurh,somai)

Oivkodome,w $avnÄà evpÄà sunÄ%) vWikodo,mounà oivkodomh,swà w|vkodo,mhsa, (also oivkod--), w|vkodo,mhmaià w|vkodomh,mhnà w|vkodomh,qhn (also oivkodÄ%à oivkodomhqh,somai.

;Ollumi, and ovllu,w. Simplex does not occur in N. T. It is confined in LXX to Job, Prov. and part of Jer. (Thackeray, p. 279). Comp. avpÄà sunÄavpÄ) Pres. act. avpÄollu,w; pres. pass. avpÄo,llumai; imperf. avpÄw,llunto (1 Cor. 10:9); fut. avpÄole,sw and avpÄolw/ (1 Cor. 1:19 Q) ; 1st aor. avpÄw,lesa; 2d perf. avpÄolwlw,j; mid. imperf. avÊwllu,mhn; fut. avpÄolou/mai; 2d aor. avpÄwlo,mhnà sunÄapÄ-; inf. avpÄole,sqai; part. avpÄolo,menoj.

`Omoio,w $avfÄ%) `Omoiw,swà w`moiw,qhn (also o`moiw,qhn%à o`moiwqh,somaià avfÄwmoiwme,noj)

`Ora,w $avfÄà kaqÄà proÄ%) Pres. complete. Imper. o[raà o`ra/te; imperf. e`w,rwn, (3d pl., Jo. 6:2); perf. e`w,raka (Gospels and Acts. In Paul and 1 John variation between e`wÄ- and e`oÄ%; plup. e`wra,kei; pass. pres. kaqÄora/tai* imperf. proÄ orw,mhn (LXX). Stem ovpÄ: fut. o;yomai; fut. pass. ovfqh,somai; 1st aor. pass. w;fqhn; 1st aor. mid. subj. o;yhsqe (Lu. 13:28). Stem ivdÄ* see eivde,w.

vOru,ssw $diÄà evxÄ%) ;Wruxaà evxÄà diÄorucqh/nai or diÄorugh/nai (W. H. alt.).

Pa,scw $proÄà sumÄÄ%) ;Epaqonà pe,ponqa.

Pau,w $avnaÄà evpÄanaÄà sunÄana [- mai], kataÄ%) Simple aor. act. once only. Pau,swà e;pausa; mid. pau,omaià evpoauo,mhnà pau,somaià evpausa,mhnà pe,paumaià Äpah,somai.

Pei,qw $avnaÄ%) ;Epeiqonà e;peisaà pe,poiqaà evpepoi,qein; pass. evpeiqo,mhnà pe,peismaià evpei,sqhnà peisqh,somai.

Pia,zw and pie,zw evpi,asaà pepi,esmaià evpia,sqhn)

Pi,mplhmi) Pres. part. evmpiplw/n e;plhsaà evmÄpeplhsme,nojà evplh,sqhnà plhsqh,somai)

Pi,nw $kataÄà sumÄ). Pio,mai $piesai,, Lu. 17:8), e;pion (both pei/n and piei/n, but only pi,e%à pe,pwkaà katÄepo,qhn.

Pipra,skwà peprakaà pe,pramaià evpra,qhn.

Pi,ptw $avnaÄà avntiÄà avpoÄà evkÄà evnÄà evpiÄà kataÄà paraÄà periÄà prosÄà sumÄ%) ;Epiptonà pesou/maià e;pesonà e;pesa (3d pl. e;pesan, Gospel 5, Acts 2), <), pe,ptwka) In Rev. 2:5 pe,ptwkej, Rev. 18:3 pe,ptwkan.

Ple,w $avpoÄÃ diaÄÃ evkÄÃ kataÄÃ paraÄÃ u`poÄÃ Äe,pleon (3d sing. evxÄe,plei contracted), Äe,pleusa.

Ple,kw $evm-- only comp.), ple,komai; aor. act. part. ple,xaj; 2d aor. pass. evmplakei,j.

Plh,ssw $evkÄÃ evpiÄÄ%) Act. 1st aor. subj. evpiÄplh,xh|j (1 Tim. 5:1); pass. pres. evkÄplh,ssesqai; imperf. evxÄelhsso,mhn, 2d aor. evplh,gh (simplex) and evxÄeplaghn (see Veitch).

Pni,gw $avpoÄà evpiÄà sumÄ%) ;Epnigonà e;pnixaà evpnigo,mhnà avpÄepni,ghn)

Pra,ssw) Pra,xwà e;praxaà pe,pracaà pe,pragmai.

Punqa,nomai) vEpnuqano,mhnà evpuqo,mhn.

`Ranti,zw) vEra,ntisa (some MSS. evrra,nt)%Ã r`era,ntisma (so W. H., but some MSS. evrr). Mid. 1st aor. subj. r`anti,swtai (Mk. 7:4).


`Re,w $paraÄ%) `Reu,sw; 2d abr. pass. - erru,hn.

`Rh,ssw $diaÄà periÄà prosÄ and r`h,gnumi). The active forms belong to r`h,ssw and the passive to r`h,gnumi) Act.. pres. r`h,sseià diaÄ; fut. r`h,xw; 1st aor. e;r$r%hxaà diÄà periÄà prosÄ* pass. pres. r`h,gnuntai; diÄer$r%h,gnuto (Lu. 5:6). The reading of Lu. 5:6 varies between diÄer$r%h,gnunto and diÄer$r%h,sseto.

Sbe,nnumi and sbennu,wà sbe,nnumai, stem sbe$s%Ä) Pres. sbe,nnuteà sbe,swà e;sbesa* pass. sbe,nnumai)

Sei,w $avnaÄà diaÄà kataÄ%) vAnÄdiÄkatÄe,seisaà sei,sw; pass. pres. seio,menoj; 1st aor. evsei,sqhn.

Ska,ptw $kataÄ%) ;Eskayaà Äe,skammai (Ac. 15:16 Rec.).

Ske,ptomai is not found in N. T. save in evpiske,ptesqai (Jas. 1:27; Heb. 2:6 Q), evpiÄske,yomai; 1st aor. mid.

Spa,w $avnaÄà avpoÄà diaÄà evpiÄà periÄ%) Pres. inf. avpoÄspa/nà avnaÄspa,swà avpoÄe,spasa* pass. periÄespw,mhnà Äespa,sqhnà avnÄà avpoÄà diaÄ* perf. inf. diÄespa,sqai. 1st nor. mid. spasa,menoj (simplex).

Spei,rw $diaÄà evpiÄ%) ;Espeiraà e;sparmaià evspa,rhnà diÄ.

Ste,llw) Simplex only in pass. pres. $ vApoÄà evxÄapoÄà sunÄapoÄà diaÄà evpiÄà kataÄà su$n%Äà u`poÄ%) `UpÄe,stellonà diÄestello,mhnà Ästelw/à Äe,steilaà avpÄe,stalka $avpe,stalkan in Ac. 16:36), -- evstalmaià avpoÄesta,lhnà diÄà u`pÄesteila,mhn.

Sth,kw. Cf. modern Greek ste,kw from e;sthka. Imperf. e;sthkon in Jo. 8:44 and Rev. 12:4 according to W. H.

Sthri,zw ( evpi-). Sthri,xw $Äi,sw in MSS., 2 Th. 3:3, W. H. alt.; cf. - iw/ in LXX), evsth,rixa and evsth,risaà sthri,xai (opt. and inf.), evsth,rigmaià evsthri,cqhn.

Stre,fw $avnaÄà avpoÄà diaÄà evkÄà evpiÄà kataÄà metaÄà su$n%à u`poÄ%) `UpÄe,strefonà Ästre,ywà e;streyaà Äe,strammaià evstra,fhnà metaÄstrafh,somai

Strw,nnumi or strwnnu,w $kataÄà u`poÄ%) Present does not occur. ;Estrw,nnuonà e;strwsaà e;strwmaià katÄestrw,qhn.

Sfa,zw $kataÄ%) Present does not occur. Sfa,xwà e;sfaxaà e;sfagmaià evsfa,ghn)

Sw,zw $diaÄà evkÄ%) Sw,swà e;swsaà se,swkaà evswzo,mhnà se,swsmaià evsw,qhnà swqh,somai)

Ta,ssw) $avnaÄ [ Ämai], avntiÄà avpoÄà diaÄà evpiÄdiaÄ [ Ämai] à e`piÄà [- proÄ] prosÄà sunÄà u`poÄ%) ;Etaxaà diaÄtetace,naià te,tagÄ [ mai]; 2d aor. diÄà u`pÄeta,ghnà diaÄta,xomai* 2d fut. u`poÄtagh,somai; 1st aor. diaÄtacqei,j 1st nor. mid. evtaxa,mhn.

Tele,w $avpoÄà diaÄà evkÄà evpiÄà sunÄ%) - tele,swà evte,lesaà tete,lekaà tete,lesmaià evteÄ le,sqhnà telesqh,somai.

Te,llw $avnaÄÃ evxanaÄÃ evnÄ%. Simplex does not occur in N. T. 1st aor. avnÄÃ evxanÄe,teila; perf. avnaÄte,talka. pres. evnÄte,llomai; fut. evnÄtelou/mai; perf. evnÄte,talmai; mid. 1st aor. evnÄeteila,mhn.

Te,mnw $periÄÃ sunÄ%. Simplex does not occur. 2d aor. periÄe,teomon; inf. periÄ temei/n; pass. pros., 1st aor. periÄetmh,qhn; perf. periÄtemhme,noj)

Ti,qhmi ( avnaÄà prosÄanaÄà a`poÄà diaÄà avntiÄdiaÄà evkÄà evpiÄà sunÄevpiÄà kataÄà sunÄkataÄà metaÄà paraÄà periÄà proÄà prosÄà sunÄà u`poÄ%) Act. pres. complete. Imperf. evti,qei and evti,qesanà evti,qoun (from tiqe,w); fut. qh,sw; aor. e;qhkaà Äkajà Äkan (3d pl.); imper. qe,j $evpiÄà prosÄ); subj. qw/ (complete); inf. qei/nai; part. qei,j; perf. te,qeika; mid. and pass. ti,qemaià te,qeimaià sunÄete,qeintoà evtiqe,mhn $evxÄà prosÄ%; mid. fut. daiÄà evpiÄqh,somai; 2d aor. evqe,mhn (complete); imper. qou/ $paraÄ%* qe,sqe $avpoÄ%* inf. qe,sqai $avpoÄà kataÄ%* part. qe,menoj $avpoÄà diaÄ%) Pass. fut. teqh,Ä somai* aor. evte,qhn; inf. teqh/nai; part. teqei,j.

Ti,ktw) Te,xomaià e[tekonà evte,cqhn)

Tre,pw $avnaÄÃ avpoÄÃ evkÄÃ evnÄÃ evpiÄÃ metaÄÃ periÄÃ proÄ% Simplex not in N. T. 1st nor. avn-, evpÄe,treya; mid. pres. imperf. evnÄetrepo,mhn* 1st aor. part. proÄ


treya,menoj; pass. "strong" fut. evkÄÃ evnÄtraph,sontai; 2d aor. evkÄÃ evpÄetra,phn* perf. evpiÄte,traptai (1 Cor. 14:34 Rec.).

Tre,fw $avnaÄÄà evkÄÄà evnÄ%) ;Eqreyaà Äeqreya,mhnà te,qrammaià Äetra,fhn.

Tre,cw $eivsÄà kataÄà periÄà proÄà prosÄà sunÄà evpiÄsunÄà u`poÄ%. Pres. complete. ;Etreconà e;dramon.

Tri,bw $diaÄÃ sunÄ%) Simplex does not occur. Pres. dia-, sun-; imperf. siÄe,tribon* fut. sunÄtri,yw; 1st aor. diÄÃ sunÄe,triya; pass. pres. sunÄtri,bomai; 2d fut. sun tribh,somai; perf. inf. sunÄtetri,fqai; part. sunÄtetrimmen,noj

Tugca,nw $evnÄà u`perÄenÄà evpiÄà paraÄà sunÄ%) ;Etucon opt. tu,coià te,tuca (Heb. 8:6 a*AD*KL), te,teuca $Rec., BE, or even tetu,chka in MSS.).

Fai,nw $avnaÄà evpiÄ%) Pres. - e,fana $fanh, Rev. 8:12, 18:23 is variously accented), evfa,nhnà fanh,somai and fanou/mai (LXX).

Fei,domai) Fei,somaià evfeisa,mhn.

Fe,rw $avnaÄà avpoÄà diaÄà eivsÄà parÄeisÄà evkÄà evpiÄà kataÄà paraÄà periÄà proÄà prosÄà sunÄà u`poÄ%) ;Eferonà evfero,mhnà oi;swà Äh,negka, indic. h;negkon; other parts hvne,cqhn; 2d perf. act. prosÄenh,noca

Feu,gw $avpoÄà diaÄà evkÄà kataÄ%) Mid. fut. feu,xomai; 2d perf. evkÄpefeuge,naià e;fugon.

Fqa,nw $proÄ%) ;Efqasaà e;fqaka (1 Th. 2:16 W. II. marg.).

Fqei,rw $diaÄà kataÄ%) Imperf. (?) e;Äfqeiren (Rev. 19:2). Fqerw/à e;fqeiraà ÄÄe,fqarÄ maià evfqa,rhnà fqarh,somai.

Fra,ssw) ;Efraxaà evfra,ghnà fragh,somai

Fu,w $evkÄà sunÄ%) Pres. part. fu,wn; pass. 2d aor. part. fue,nà sunÄfuei/sai. A further form evkÄfuh (Mt. 24:32 = Mk..) may be accented - fu,h| (W. H.) and will then be active pres. subj. or 1st aor. subj.; or - fuh|/ and will then be pass. 2d aor. subj. In this case ta. fu,lla is considered the subject.

Ce,w $evkÄÃ evpiÄÃ kataÄÃ sunÄ). Simplex does not occur in N. T. and cu,nnuw (simplex not in LXX or N. T.). Comp. evkÄÃ u`perekÄÃ sunÄ) Active part. (Lu. 10:34); imperf. sunÄe,cunnen (Ac. 9:22); fut. evkÄcew/ (LXX); 1st aor. evkÄÃ katÄe,cea; inf. evkÄce,ai (Ro. 3:15, LXX); 2d aor. (?) imper. evkÄce,ete (Rev. 16:1), sunÄe,ceon (Ac. 21:27). Hort. (II, p. 165) would refer the above forms "to an otherwise virtually unknown 2d aor." Pass. pres. evkÄcei/tai (Mt. 9:17) and evkÄsunÄÃ Äu`perÄekvcu,nnomai; imperf. evxÄecu,nneto (Ac. 22:20); fut. evkÄcuqh,somai; 1st aor. evxÄÃ sunÄecuqhn; perf. evkÄÃ sunÄke,cumai

Cri,w $evgÄà evpiÄ%) Aor. e;crisaà evgÄcri/sai, (Rev. 3:18) may be inf. of 1st aor. active (W. H.) or imper. of 1st aor. mid. ( e;gcrisai).

Cai,rw $sunÄ%) ;Ecaironà evca,rhnà carh,somai, some MSS. carw/, (Rev. 11:10).

Cari,zomai. Mid. cari,somaià evcarisamhn* pass. keca,rismaià evcari,sqhnà carisqh,soÄ mai)

Cra,omai $kataÄ%. vEcrw,mhnà evcrhsa,mmhnà ke,crhmai. Impers. crh, only once (Jas. 3:10).

Yu,cw $avnaÄÃ avpoÄÃ evkÄÃ kataÄ* avnÄÃ evkÄÃ katÄe,yuxa%) Yugh,somai)

vWne,omai) vWnhsa,mhnà not evpria,mhn)

13. Ablaut. It is important for the student to note the part played in Greek words, both root-syllables and other syllables, by ablaut or vowel-gradation. We find qualitative ablaut, as fe,rwà foroj and lei,pwà le,loipa. Then there is quantitative or qualitative-quantitative ablaut, as in i;menà ei=mi and lipei/nà lei,pw.


The subject is still more or less obscure as to the precise order of these vowel-changes and the precise factor in each change (accentuation, vowel-contraction, compensative lengthening). For a brief account see Wright, Comparative Grammar of the Greek Language, 1912, pp. 49-61; Brugmann, Kurze vergl. Gr., pp. 138-50; Hirt, Handbuch der griech. Laut- and Formenlehre, pp. 84-105. For a fuller discussion see Hirt, Der indogermanische Ablaut; Brugmann, Grundriss, vol. I, pp. 482-505.